Haematology is branch of clinical medicine which deals with diagnosis and treatment of blood & lymphatic system diseases. It includes benign & malignant (Blood cancer) conditions affecting blood cell and stem cell transplant (Table 1).

Haematology Department at Surjit Hospital is one of distinguished tertiary/ referral hospital in North India with complete haematological services – outpatient clinic, inpatient, laboratory, blood bank & bone marrow transplantation under one roof. There are highly qualified doctors which includes a Clinical Haematologist specialised in haematology, haemato-oncology and bone marrow transplantation, leading the clinical services (Adult & Paediatric) along with a Haemato-Pathologist, supporting in haematopathology services.

In addition we have 24 hour emergency services through which any haematological patient can be evaluated and treated round the clock.

We have advanced haematological laboratory required in diagnosis and follow of haematological conditions. It includes advanced 5 part CBC counter, coagulation tests, HPLC, Bone Marrow Routine with flow cytometry, molecular tests, etc. In addition we also have advanced blood banking services with platelet aphaeresis, leukodepletion, irradiation facilities etc. – essential for high end complete haematological services including bone marrow transplantation. All blood products are NAT tested which assures lowest risk of transmission of infections.

We have dedicated oncology nurses who are trained to handle chemoetherapy drugs to avoid any errors. We have chemotherapy daycare facility too, which allows us to give chemotherapy on outpatient basis where patient comes in morning and can go back home same day.

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